Yes, this app calculated my fats to be 22%. As far as the protein, I am still experimenting with that, but wanted to at least be at 2g / lb of body weight, and I weigh roughly 190. Thanks for all the advice!
Great, I'll give this a watch tonight!
This help a alot! Reconfirms what I was already thinking. Last question regarding cutting - during this phase I will obviously want to cut the carb intake, correct? Maintaining my current levels of protein intake won't be a problem, but for fat cutting I will want to decrease carb intake? And what about fat intake? My…
Thanks Alassonde. I think I will opt for the bulking, then cutting method since I've been engaged in the bulking process for a few weeks now. What are your thoughts on methods of cutting? Is maintaining the same levels of protein intake so there is no muscle depletion, but cutting the intake of carbs a sufficient way? I've…
No sir, I do not currently know what my BF% is. Not sure exactly how to calculate it. Thank you for the input. I had a feeling you had to do one or the other, and not both simultaneously. Since I have already begun eating and training to put the weight on, I will continue this course until I've reached 205 and then cut to…