MommaWinski Member


  • Love all this great tips. Thank you I started the C5K W1D1 last night. I couldn't run for the full 60 seconds and only made it about halfway through the workout. I have to take tonight off but I am going to do it again. This time I'm not running so much as jogging. I am hopeful I can complete a workout ( or die trying lol…
  • Thank you all I have been walking everyday and I do start out a little slow than I get pumped up and push faster. I didn't walk Sunday. I guess I over did things Saturday I woke up at 3 am hot dry nausea and the room was spinning. Stayed on the sofa most of the day. So I will slow down and push a little smarter. 30 min…
  • Thank you for the information very helpful!
  • Thank you for the advice. I am committed to getting in shape and my daughter wants to join me in running. I am excited. 9 weeks to be ready ro run a 5k blows my mind.