BethBev Member


  • Thanks! These are all excellent ideas I'll keep in mind the next time I go grocery shopping. :smile:
  • I actually really do log everything I eat BUT (and I know this isn't an excuse by any means) I'm a full time college student, I work 2 part time jobs on campus (it's a regional campus so we have no access to any type of food hence the cliff bars), I'm really not home at all except for when I go home to sleep and study. I…
  • I think my problem is my lack of water! I'm ashamed to say that I drink LOTS of diet pop! :( Now that you've mentioned that and trying to not keep my intake calories too close to what I've burned could also be the issue.
  • Hi everyone! I'm looking and I have no idea how to add anyone as a friend unless they are a friend on my Facebook account. How do I go about adding you guys?
  • Thank everyone! I'm hoping that by using the community forum it will help me to stay on track. I would definitely like to add you ms_smartypants!
  • Thank you!