mtcampbell1 Member


  • Ok, I'm in! Joining late, but today gives us 190 days to Christmas or 27 weeks. That's about 2 lbs per week which is totally doable. I found a place where you can create a countdown timer :) Oh! I need to lose 171 lbs and I'm in…
  • It's not a silly question at all! Clean eating is really simple! It's about eating foods in their un-processed or minimally processed close to how they originally appear as possible. It's just about eating whole foods and nothing processed basically.
  • Hiya :smile: When I gave up soda a few years ago, I started drinking plain soda water...I absolutely love it. Be sure to buy the kind that doesn't have any kind of sweetener at all in it.
  • Exactly what scubachick67 said. I don't believe there's any reason to eliminate fruits from your diet...even if you're the worst diabetic. Just include them in an overall eating plan which may not be every day for you. Wishing you luck <3
  • Vegan + Intermittent fasting = Keto...I'm doing it with a 6 hour eating window. There are a ton of ways to be vegan and get protein for weight training...there are a number of builders on youtube that talk about it.
  • I would suggest meal prepping all of your meals. If you prep then you won't have an excuse to eat anything processed :) I've been intermittent fasting for about a week now. It's very doable for me and has been working VERY well.
  • I've never heard of it; had to look it up. Doesn't support a vegan, but very interesting. I LOVED the "It's for your own good" part. I hope you do well :smile:
    in Whole30 Comment by mtcampbell1 June 2017
  • I use this as well...I love it with unsweetened almond milk.
  • Hi everyone. I've spent way too long not being conscious of what I was putting in my mouth which resulted in me being at 370 highest weight ever. I've made some changes and started intermittent fasting a short time ago...seeing very good results and feeling good about it. What's the first challenge about? Or are…
  • Glad to see you getting back on track Xtina. I'm in the same boat myself. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to support your journey :smile:
  • Thank you so much for your sharing your story. It's very brave of you to do that.