jam3sblond3 Member


  • Tell that to my coach and cross country team after we've had a hard Saturday morning speed workout or 10 mile run... donut is love, donut is life.
  • Wow! I wish I had your problems... 2300 is a dream of mine. I'm a runner and if I don't hit 4000+ then I don't gain anything.I actually had 2300 in one meal the other day. I know this isn't an ideal solution but whenever possible a nice big steak and some soft serve ice cream with some fries or whatever at a local…
  • For the iron... there's no need to get some expensive supplement, just go to Smith's or wherever and find the WHEAT Chex cereal. One serving is 80% of your daily iron and I find it really easy to eat 2 or 3 servings. I personally eat it because it's high in carbs and the iron is just icing on the cake. However, I'm told…
  • Oh and btw... that means exercise too. You can obviously have too little exercise but many people don't realize that you can have too much exercise too. Everything in moderation really does mean EVERYTHING in moderation.
  • There really is no such thing as a healthy or unhealthy food and that's what he's getting at. The only problem I can see with "unhealthy foods" is generally sodium content... and ice cream isn't very high in sodium. Sugar is the other big one but both of these are fairly easy to avoid so long as you pay attention.…