Follow the fodmap diet. There is a list of things to cut out and a list you can replace them with. For example. I know cows milk sets me off. I have coconut milk instead. Regular wheat sets me off so I have 100% spelt homemade bread instead. Get in touch if you want any help.
Hey. I do follow the fodmap diet plan because my ibs was getting out of hand. I found cows milk, regular wheat, some types of oil like vegetable oil and sun flower oil along with beans and a few other things set me off quite bad. The fodmap list is always evolving so it's good to check online for updated lists in your…
I've been doing ddp yoga seriously for a month now and can already see muscle definition. There are loads of dvds etc online for free to see if you like something. I think what H was saying though is that you just need to find a workout that you like that has modifications to make it easier at first, and that will keep you…