Dan_Runs_In_Sandals Member


  • Seek out podcasts like "Progress, Not Perfection" that have interviews with other people going through the same struggles. Seeing how they've overcome their struggles may help you with yours. Also, concentrate on learning as much as you can about one trigger food at a time. As soon as I learned more about most pork…
  • That's a tough one, since ideally you want to figure out if the joint pain is due to injury or overuse or some other cause. I think one way to test is to try and use a massage ball or foam roller to see if your hamstrings, quads, IT band, or other parts are sore, because if those muscles are sore, then it will put extra…
  • I think that grouping carbs into a single group might be part of the problem. Separate it out into refined carbs and sugars and whole grains and starches/fruits. If it doesn't have any fiber or nutrients (not including added nutrients), it's probably a carb to avoid. Many people have lost and maintained on what could be…
  • I also recommend the Yurbuds, and they have some made for women with smaller earphone covers. I actually take the cover off of the Yurbuds headphones and put them on the latest Apple headphones, since those have a track/volume control and I can cut off the left headphone (since I only hear in my right ear). When you pair…
  • I've done WW before and almost got to my goal weight (within 5 pounds) on it, but stalled out and regained, which happens all the time. I almost joined WW again mainly because the meetings help me feel accountable, but as soon as I started using the MFP app I found it so much better and easier, and it enabled me to track…
  • I agree, you definitely should eat a healthy dinner and make sure you track it. I've been tracking for over three weeks now and I have gone way over my calorie goal many times, although my overall weight remains the same. I now have enough data to look back and see where my biggest problem areas are (like beer, butter,…