rlbrue Member


  • Me too! This is my first week back in the wagon and so far so good!
  • My go to is usually a good Caesar salad or some pasta.
  • Thanks @PSYCHOJOKER13 i makes fresh fruit smoothies for Monday's I do t drink a lot of pop but defiantly need to cut back on the energy drinks.
  • Thanks @TrickyDisco I'll have to hit you up for recipes sometime
  • My post isn't to promote anything this is just something I'm doing for myself. I'm not advertising anything or stating in no way shape or form that anyone else should do it.
  • You can check out the meatless Monday campaign on their site or their Facebook page. it has all of their research on there. They are a nice community and will happily answer any questions. This is just something I chose to do for myself. http://www.meatlessmonday.com/take-the-meatless-monday-pledge-for-food-day-2015/
  • I forget what all I said
  • Boo it cut off the funny parts at the end
  • I'm with you 100%! I use to be in shape and take good care of myself but in the last 5 hrs that has slowly disintegrated into what I am now: way over weights and no motivation to change it. I love food but not the right kinds so I working on that and I also need to come to terms with exceeding. It's a work in progress but…