islarose05 Member


  • Thankyou I'm starting to understand it now, just a couple more questions how can I check on here what activity level I put me as when I first set it up so I can check its right ice gone through my account and can't find it ? Also im trying to find the Fitbit board on here I've looked through the different ones listed on…
  • Thankyou really appreciate advice! So I've linked the Fitbit to this account I think, and read this article but wanted to ask, so where as yesterday I would manually add excercise for eg, 1 hours brisk walk abd I would guess calories at 200 burned and input into mfp, so I don't need to do this now? How will the Fitbit know…
  • Yes I've put all the stats in it asked me to. So then every time I go for a big walk and want to know how many calories I burnt I have to make a note of what's already on there and then deduct it when I finish excercise? It just seems daft I bought this thing to see how many calories I burned while excercisibg so I can…
  • Hi , it's 8.54 am Calgary canada, I've only just turned it on abd it asked for weight height gender and that's it? Where's it getting that info from just from basic stats? I've not long got up so it's definitely not right, steps taken is still at zero?