sus5n Member


  • I was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic several years ago. Haven't had to take any meds, but my fasting blood sugar was usually between 100 and 120. I have lost 19 pounds with MFP and this morning my blood sugar was 82! Amazing what losing weight and exercise can do!
  • So - yesterday I got a Fitbit Zip. I love it! But - yesterday was a fairly typical day for me and I got over 9,000 steps. According to the Zip, that translates to over 1600 calories. I'm eating 1,000. So why am I only losing about a pound every two weeks! Any ideas? Doesn't make sense to me.
  • Hi everyone! I'm new here. I'm 60 and have been using My Fitness Paul since July. Would like to lose 80 lb. Have lost 13. It's coming off sooo slowly. But I'm starting a Personal Trainer course at my work and I'm hoping the activity will speed up the weight loss. I'm doing 1000 cal a day - difficult, but it seems like…