gabby4mc Member


  • Hi! Just click on the icon that looks like a piece of paper wth a corner dog-eared. It will let you pick a photo from your computer to attach.
  • It's never too late!! I'll be 50 in 39 days and I've lost 57# in the last couple years and the majority of that has been in the last six months. If I can do it, anyone can!! Hang in there!! Add me as a friend if you like and I'll happy to cheer you on!!
  • Here's my buddy Peanut - he can be quite a handful but I just love him!
  • Hi all! I'm turning 50 in T-minus 39 days - am I close enough to join your group? I've strolled through your posts and you look like a fun group! My goals for April are to meet my next DietBet weigh in which will bring me into Onederland for the first time since 1999! To get there I need to meet my other subgoals of…
  • I personally have trouble telling when I'm full so I have to count calories. I pick my foods from the SBD lists but ensure that my calories are not over about 1300-1400 a day. I don't really pay attention to any of the other categories that are counted. I've lost almost 57 pounds with about 55 still to go (woohoo 1/2 way…
  • You look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your story!