Starting weight: 167 Goal weight: 150 Current weight: 159
Starting weight: 167 Goal weight: 150 Current weight: 160 Woohoo! Congratulations on another week to everyone! I used to celebrate good things with food! Now I need to come up with a replacement...a movie maybe?
Starting weight: 167 Goal weight: 150 Current weight: 163 Love this challenge group! It's Keeping me focused and on track.
Starting weight: 167 Goal weight: 150 Today's weight: 165.5 Way to go everyone! It's great to see our success. I didn't think this group would make me be so accountable but it has. Thanks for your posts and ideas. It has helped me get through the week.
As my weight relates to this challenge Starting weight: 167 Goal weight: 150 Today's weight: 167 I am struggling with starting a heavy weight lifting routine and seeing my weight loss slow down. I had to get out the measuring tape in hopes to stay motivated. Good luck everyone!