mommaderp Member


  • *highfive!* I also had that rock bottom 2 weeks ago and that's what's spurred me into action. And I'm down 10lbs! Just start changing how much you're eating. It really sounds horrible. I remember being so defensive when people would say that, but it's true. Don't DEPRIVE yourself, but just be AWARE of your intake! I…
  • I definitely have the same goals for me/my kids. I want slow and sustainable so I can show my kids how to eat properly and how to make good food choices. I'm so glad I'm not a wizard. I'd totally be like ACCIO POTATO CHIPS while sitting on the couch. Start having the HP soundtrack on while you walk ;) I love walking to the…
  • Naughty snacking is okay as long as you can earn it or afford it! Calculate the calories, do the exercise and if you STILL want that snack? Go for it! I fight this too. <3 If you are sure you can't resist, EARN IT!
  • I'm a fellow Mom! I cannot even imagine having 7 children! 2 was enough for me :p I'm just starting my journey but I'd be happy to have you on my friends list! I think the more people that can see my wall and diary the better. It'll keep me honest!
  • This is so true! I just started a week ago and have to be really careful about what I'm selecting when choosing my foods. OP I really suggest dropping your calories. I've lost weight in my first week. I started at 302lbs. I have a public diary. I don't stop myself from eating things I like. I just eat less and smarter. If…