Oiney1 Member


  • Currently down a chihuahua and half a Guinea pig, aiming for a small bale of hay or a 5000 btu air conditioner:)
  • Wow!! I'm 185 looking to get to 135. Here's to meeting all our expectations!!
    in 180 to 130 Comment by Oiney1 May 2016
  • Hi!! I'm 27 and I've lost 5.5lbs in the first 3 weeks of my year long challenge. I'd love to have a few friends I can keep challenging myself with, or just to turn to for support!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • I'm looking for some pals for accountability too! I have personal friends who go in either direction, never posting after week 2, or have already hit 60something lbs lost, and are way beyond me!!
  • Hey!! I'm 27 and mom of two blue eyed princesses. 8yo and 15 months. I've been on a major life change for about 3 weeks now, 1399 calories per day, working out with fitness DVD 6 days a week. I'd love some more friends looking for a bit of a team mentality!! I've got about 50-60lbs to lose, I can use all the help I can…