Exactly! The type of calories matter.....
Oh, quite the contrary, I count calories. I just think it matters if it's a 100 cal oreo or a 100 cal salad.
Right off, I don't know what "TBH" be helpful? be healthy? be happy? be hangry? Yesterday was a fast day so I wasn't at my best thought wise. Also, I under estimated how personally people would take my thoughts. There is a reason people don't have the ability to read minds. That's true, the…
Okay LemurCat12, I'm going to go back and respond to your response to my 1500 cal kale vs. sugar example only because something about your writing reminds me of my sister so imaging you really enjoying this. Give me a minute to find it.......
To wrap up my thoughts on this debate, I do still believe that the types of calories matter and that the CICO equation is outdated. I know, I know..."It's math!! It can't be outdated!!". If that is your rebuttal to the debate, then I don't think your understood the question. She wasn't asking a math question, she was…
That it would go into the "calories out" side of the equation. So you're saying when you apply the CICO equation you must factor in your waste?
I did go back and read the whole thread. And as I waded through all of the responses, I did notice a pattern that made me a little sad. None the less, I didn't read anything that made be not believe that different types of food that you consume will have an effect on your weight loss long term.
I understand the points that you are making. The debate started with the following: "I've seen some articles about how calories in and calories out isn't efficient in the long run. Some studies have shown that certain foods do metabolize faster and turn into energy faster than other. Any thoughts?" I gave my thoughts as an…
Yes, I do believe that calories matter, but I don't believe it's a simple math equation. When you say "it doesn't address nutrition" is where we part ways. I believe intermittent fasting works for more than just it's cutting over all calories. I believe hormones play a role.
Your quote doesn't mention the number of calories, it says the types of foods. So what I get from your quote is that a 1000 calories of high-fat foods are worse than a 1000 calories of vegetables. Am I missing something?
What is the cause of Type II diabetes?
Half the time I have to feed two teenagers also and I have found the pre prepped food services in valuable. They plan the meals and do the shopping. All I have to do is cook. If you're on a strict budget, this is not the way to go however. There are so many out there I'm sure you can find one to suit your needs. I won't…
I need as much pier pressure as possible! Add me and give me a deadline to lose 5 lbs.
Yes, in the end it is probably just calories in versus calories out, but, my mind and emotions are the gate-keepers to what calories end up going in and out. So comes the need for me to find a method to manipulate my mind and emotions into going along with my planned change in the ratio of in/out. I like the idea of…
Today is my first "fast day" as I'm going to try the intermittent fasting method. I'm not going to fast completely because I need to take some medicine in the morning that will upset my stomach if I don't have something on it. I'm going to try and keep it to 300 calories. I like the idea of this method because I think I…
Amen. I finally replied to a text I recieved from an ex-lover on April 1. It took me 24 days to build up the strength tell him no. I love him and I know we could be happy together, but he's not available. I could just accept what he could give me since I'm not seeing anyone else right now, but I know that's not good for…
Me too. I'm back after a couple of years of "Oh, I'll get to it". I have a fresh prospective and I'm ready to get back to a healthier me. I'm looking for accountability partners too.
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