joeelliott87uk Member


  • for losing weight your defo on the right track exercise wise, one thing i would tweak a bit is the cardio slight increase but keep the strength stuff, so good to hear you found your way to the weight room :) Check the post or google iifym calculator like mentioned above to get the actual numbers of what you need. To lose…
  • protein after workout in my opinion as it promotes muscle recovery. After working out you want to feed your muscles after the beating they have took :)
  • 08lbs is really not much too worry yourself about, give it more time and then re-think
  • If i'm on a challenge or trying to reach a goal, i don't cheat till my habits are in tune with the lifestyle changes, then i would have a cheat meal every 4 days to keep me sane lol works for me, its like tricking your body. I wouldn't suggest cheat days as they are harder to recover from but if you must then really limit…