2failure Member


  • Fasting is great especially to reset insulin levels. Something as little as fasted cardio in the morning all the way to a 24 hour fast is something I try to incorporate a couple times a month. I tried IF and I noticed increase in energy levels but I started to shrivel up, probably because my 8 hour window consisted of…
  • Some seem to think fasted cardio in the morning upon waking speed up the fat burning process. If your able to do that then eating afterward would be ideal. After a week of this your body should get used to running on fat for fuel. Only if your doing intense resistance training you should have a good carb meal before, in my…
  • Yeah man I have tried in past but no luck. I'll probably stick it out myself. I don't mind it but I would love a coach/serious partner that could take my training to the next level. I'll take Neil Hill for 2,000 Alex. Jk but yeah just thought this post might turn up some serious muscle heads in the area.
  • Everything you eat should be able to strengthen your immune system. Ever since I started incorporating 4-5 cups of fruit(mango, pineapple, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries) into my diet I have yet to get sick. Knock on wood. Side note: make emoji for knock on wood. Anyways yeah I think it's the antioxidants That do…