ErikaTumax Member


  • Feel free to add me. My diary is open and I log (and read my friend's logs) every day. 113 lbs down, 90-ish to go...
  • I've lost around 120 and have right around 100 lbs left to lose (gained 60 with my last pregnancy.) I have a 5 year old and a 6 month old. My goal is around 170-180. I feel like that would be a good place for me since I once tipped the scales at nearly 400 lbs. Anyone is welcomed to add me. :)
  • I'd love some new friends. I have right around 100 lbs left to lose (gained 60 with my last pregnancy.) Seeing others log keeps me accountable, inspired, and also gives me new food ideas. Anyone is welcomed to add me. :)