rebeccamarie333 Member


  • I'm thinking of finding something from, $25 for your first outfit!
  • Do you find yourself just unmotivated to exercise or are you reaching for unhealthy foods too? I saw this interesting post today, I'll def try to make sure I'm eating more fats and protein each meal!
  • Hello! I have a 3 year old and 4 month old. Currently breastfeeding, I thought that would make weight loss go super quick and easy, but so far it's slow going. Did you know you can add nursing to your diary? Just search 'nursing' and select 'exclusively nursing' or 'nursing part time' for babes on solids too. It will put a…
  • Have you ever heard of 'baby led weaning'? It's a way to introduce little ones to solids so they can explore and experience texture at the same time as taste. The idea is you just give the baby the same things you eat without mashing or purée-ing. It isn't for everyone as it can be nerve wracking to watch the little one…
  • Hey, great post! I'm also feeling a bit disconnected from everyone. Great idea! I'm mom to a three year old and three month old currently on maternity leave. My family just bought a rec pass so I am hoping to get into a gym routine and start swimming. The plan is for DH to go in the mornings and for me to go when he gets…
  • Welcome! I'm new to the group too. Mom to a three year old and three month old. I'm on maternity leave right now and trying to stay out of the kitchen when boredom hits!
  • Can I join the party? Mom of two, 3 years and 3 months. I'm on leave from my job as a teacher and trying hard not to snack throughout the day. I have about 60 lbs to lose. I'm new the MFP and the community and I'm looking for connections! I'll add you!
  • My name is Becky and I'm mom to two boys, 3 years old and 3 months. I'm on leave from my job as a teacher and I love walks in the forest, reading, and I'm working on trying to fit exercise in with our busy schedule. I was a fit kid up until university where I had great success losing weight with WW. However soon after a 40…