bhw2412 Member


  • Aside from the other comments suggesting therapy for the long-standing issues, could you be eating out of boredom? I am a big boredom eater myself and it's very common
  • I think you need some better friends! I can't understand why anyone would discourage another person like that when they're trying to make a positive change to their lifestyle. The only possible reason I can think of is that they are jealous of your success. Thankfully, the community here are nothing but supportive in my…
  • Tracking your food and joining the community is the right way to get started! What has been the hardest part for you? Personally, my weight has crept up gradually for the past several months. Normal clothes don't fit anymore, and I feel so guilty that I no longer want to see friends in case they notice :(
  • Have been on WW and have gained the weight back (plus more) as well - I don't think ProPoints are working anymore, especially the bonus ones! Getting back onto the weight loss wagon is the only way forward - good job for coming this far :smile:
  • Added :smile:
  • I would love to find some supportive friends! Add me :smiley: