purplefishes Member


  • Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I will see what happens in a few weeks when I hit the next ten pounds . Ha, true - I shouldn't question it =)
  • That could make sense - maybe I just didn't notice it the first day. Thanks!
  • No, no custom anything - I don't know enough about nutrition to attempt anything like that. I guess I was mostly just wondering if it had happened to anyone else. I will try changing my activity to sedentary and see if it gets close to where it was - that goal was working pretty well, may as well stick with it. Thanks for…
  • No exercise, and I'm positive - it's always been lightly active. I could swear there used to be an option for losing three pounds a week that I had chosen, but since it's not there now, I may just have been having some wishful thinking.
  • I'm 5'11 and shooting for 150 (though I'd settle for 160 as I'm nearly 40 and should maybe accept that my tiniest days are behind me) - I don't have a super muscular frame, but I'm built pretty solidly. I agree that tall girls have a wider range of weight than shorter women, simply because we have more vertical inches of…