January Start Weight:200 lbs January Goal Weight:195 lbs Ultimate Goal Weight: 170 lbs January 1: 200 lbs January 8: Did not track this week due to being sick. January 15: 192 lbs January 22: January 29: January 31:
Hello, my Eileen, and I'm trying to get back on the weight-loss journey. I currently run about 3 times a week, and want to incorporate more exercise into my daily routine. Looking to lose 5 lbs in January by watching what I eat, and how much I eat. I have a 5k planned for February, and would like to do another 10k.
Hi, my 2023 goals are to exercise more and portion control my food. I also want to do another 10k. I have been striving for 3 runs a week, which range from 2-3 miles each time.
January Start Weight:200 lbs January Goal Weight:195 lbs Ultimate Goal Weight: 170 lbs January 1: 200 lbs January 8: January 15: January 22: January 29: January 31: