sarahjeannelevin Member


  • Your problem is probably going WAY over your calorie limit on weekends. I just started using this ap and realized that on some days I was eating over double my allotted calories! To remedy this, I started planning what I will eat the morning of or the day before, including treats, restaurant meals, etc. Even with…
  • Jicama is really crunchy and, while perfect in a Mexican salad, goes well with many things.
  • Bloody we are kinda twins! I am 28 yrs old, Height: 5'6.5" HW:150 LW: 105 (way too thin) Current weight: 130-132 Goal weight: 115-120 I was down to 120 from 125 a few months ago but have been gaining like crazy so I'm trying to rein it in and get back on track!