Afraid not, cause I don't care enough
Of course we would
How useful are you?
Of course I would
I wouldn't mind at all
Three to four times a week is actually pretty good.
Umm...if it was life threaten, than yes I would
That's negative
I'm not going to be locked in a room with him
I might
Hopefully nothing
Sorry dude I'm gonna have to pass
Nah I'm cool. I just say no to vitamin D
That's a negative ghost rider
Damn I don't even get a fist bump?
Fist bump for you too
- depends
I will ultimate warrior
Fist bump coming your way
I'm sure you're a great guy, but no
I'll give you a fist bump
I don't have secret crushes on dudes
I have not
I'm sure we'd keep each entertained
Mannequin heads
Absolutely. Hello Jo
She's a looker for sure
lol I'd let her pin me
Lol oh a lot would happen >:)