Eles697 Member


  • I feel like I'm losing my momentum a bit. I am not seeing much results-wise, so it makes me want to just be done and eat all the good things. I will keep trying though as the alternative is to be even bigger than I am now and I do not like that. Today we are going to a corn maze. That'll take some walking.
  • Last night we tried my baby in His crib for the first time. It went fine, I think. He is only 2 months (9 weeks) but he gets around that crib and his angel care monitor didnt like it, so I will have to adjust that. It was nice to have a few evening hours not caring for a baby! Freedom! It is nerve wracking not having him…
  • Starting/goal/current: 199/145/-4lb Highs: keeping to my plan pretty well for the most part Lows: starting back to work (full time doesn't start til Monday, but the reality hit) Changes to regimen? Nothing planned right now ither tha still gonna try to get my husband to set up the bowflex. GTKY: 14 years ago I was in…
  • That was my problem between my first and second! I got pregnant when number 1 was 6 months old so I still had some extra weight (and still have now after #3). At least I lost everything with #2, or I'd be a lot worse off...
  • We figured out napping is cheap and fat-free and so that's what we did today. Lazy day. We've been doing things most days, so I don't feel too bad about it especially since I'm gonna be starting full time working again, so they are going to have to get used to it. Today I actually worked out earlier than my normal time…
  • All invites should be sent!
  • Invites sent!
  • I may work on some re-do for the check-ins... For now though I will just try to keep up as is and see how it goes. Today, I am trying to figure out what to do that does not involve food or money. That's always hard to do...
  • I've sent you invites!
  • Cut and paste fail! I'm pretty sure your 3-6 mo olds shouldn't be eating anything but milk still! Oops.... But you've got that load of fun to look forward to!
  • Invites sent!
  • (Nice to see you, 1Alexandria!...I'm not supposed to be here since I only have a 2 month old, 2 yo and 4yo...)
  • Welcome!
  • You all should have invited now. Welcome! We've got a few good active posters on the group, but definitely could use more to keep us going!
  • Oh dear. I've gotten behind. I will send you all invites as tonight! (I just have to write down your names so I can do it all at once and right now I've got a sleeping baby on me...)
  • My husbands family decided tonight would be a good time to come visit (and stay all weekend...). I love the notice. I kind of had things planned for tomorrow and my husband was taking off work to do stuff with us. Now we will be entertaining. Barf.
  • You guys should all have been invited!
  • Invite sent!
  • I have invited everyone interested. Any more interest, just friend or message me or respond to this post!
  • I haven't really found any great bras, but if you want clothes that flatter your large busy, Pepperberry (a British website) had great options- you buy shirts and dresses based on your bust size!
  • I like weekly instead! So I switched it! Good luck today everyone. I'm still at the beach so MIA. today we are going to a different zoo (than the one we went to earlier this week). It's not as hilly, but it's better than sitting in the couch and watching my babies play.
  • Welcome Lynette! I wish I loved exercising as much as I love doughnuts.........my daughter asked to go to "Krunkin' Donuts" today and I resisted at least!
  • Welcome! Congrats on your first! Let us know when he/she comes!
  • I should be caught up on invites. Let me know if I missed you!
    in Mom group Comment by Eles697 August 2015
  • Did you go to college? Further? I have a doctoral degree that took 7 years post undergrad! How many siblings do you have and where are you in the ranking? (Oldest, middle, 10th, youngest, etc...? I have one full sister and am the youngest (but I have various steps and half siblings with whom I didn't grow up) Did you have…
    in GTKY 8/31 Comment by Eles697 August 2015
  • Hi! Welcome! My oldest just turned 4 in June!
  • I am almost 8 weeks post partum. How much did you gain this pregnancy? Depends on when I started counting. I was 188 the day I found out but down to 178 when I had my 9 week appointment at the MD and ended at 220lb, so 30-40lb. How much do you want to lose? 50 ish pounds (25lb from baby number 1 and 25lb from this one-…
  • My daughter slept with us (baby sleeps in bedside bassinet still) and woke the baby at 2 when she went to the bathroom. Yuck. He's really congested in the back of his throat which seems to bother me more than it does him, but leads to lots of nose sucking and screaming. Poor baby. He really doesn't cry unless he…
  • Blame it on the kid who was once a baby?