kdenney08 Member


  • SW::229.6 10/5:: 223 CW::222.4 Not a huge loss, but I'm on vacation for 2 weeks so my main thing is just not gaining. Plus I've been on an approx 1300 Cal diet since mid July and have lost 27 pounds. I needed a week of not counting but making good choices, which I think I've succeeded in.
  • SW:: 229.6 CW:: 224.0 On Sunday morning it was 227 and yesterday I started a new med that's a diuretic. So the last three pounds were all water. Itll even out at some point this week, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy with what I (not the meds) did before yesterday. The hardest thing was yesterday at a family lunch. I…
  • Let the games begin... CW:: 229.6 GW::209.6 20 lbs is the goal! I'm 25 and I haven't seen that number since I was middle school.