MissB105 Member


  • Thank you for your answers. I am thinking of joining netball and hockey and maybe basketball. As for leaving the site, I do see what you mean but MFP has been great for me just as a tracker. If I can visually have what I eat and burn in the same page, it is easier to see what I do next. I don't see MFP as a negative thing.…
  • Thank you for this. So I have a half tire around my belly and that is what I want to get rid of. What are your tips?
  • Haha I am 160cm so I am really really short. Sorry for not clarifying.
  • I have roughly 11 pounds or 5kg for the metric users and I know it doesn't sound like a lot but my attitude really needs to change and I keep using excuses to get out of exercise. My food intake is better now but exercise is now a problem. I have no idea how you guys manage to lose 45 pounds or higher! Please add me and we…