lizmoves Member


  • You can add me. Always looking for new keto friends.
  • You can add me!
  • Add me! I know that roller coaster all too well.
  • I'm Liz (lizrocks on LJ). I've always been on the heavy side of average but after pregnancy/giving birth I passed that up and am rocking a steady 220. I've had a lot of success with paleo eating and am really trying for that to be a long term eating goal of mine. My problem is because chocolate. But as of Sept. 1 I've…
  • I know you've received a lot of replies already but as a sugar addict myself, the best thing for me to do was to quit cold turkey. It's too much of a slippery slope for me to have 'just one'. Stopping was tough but I feel more clear now physically and emotionally. I never realised how muddy and blocked I was. Good luck on…