Calories in vs calories out will be the biggest factor in weight loss. once you have reached a plateau using only calories as a guide, it is time to start tweaking your macros. your Fat and Carb requirements will vary depending on your activity that day. Your protein will usually remain the same. Renaissance Periodization…
So what is your approach?
"Do you need to prep food in advance? Why did you want to do it? If it doesn't work for you then you can stop. " I was feeling alone in the world and was hoping someone was in the same boat or had been and found a solution;) I get a kind of paralysis by analysis when planning out the week. As I read through these comments…
Overthinking is my biggest I would have to remember where I wrote it all down. LOL! ;) I don't know what it is about reheated frozen food...the texture is gross to me. maybe i am doing it wrong?