lanclass2014 Member


  • Hello there! I totally know the feeling...I am at my heaviest since being pregnant at 144lbs!! I usually maintain 135-137 but had a huge Xmas blowout and some health issues in 2015! I am going to be exercising everyday...Jillian Michaels strength training is fab and gives me quick results. I try to alternate between…
  • I am on exactly the same journey as you! I weigh in at 136lbs and want to be 127-130lbs. I am using the food diary here to track and focusing on keeping sugar low and protein high. Trying to have totally clean diet and staying around 1200 cals. I started last week weighing in at 140lbs but the scales aren't moving at the…
  • Hi, it'd be great to get some feedback from you and others as to what is working for them. I want to lose 10lbs...I am approaching this from a different angle as now being 42 I want to up my muscle mass (not get big but really toned), and be really flexible. I want to be fitter at 50 than 40!! In the past I just used…