130by2016 Member


  • Thank you for your feedback. Like I said, the 1,100 doesn't count lunch so I'll make it to the extra 100-200.
  • I'm not sure what my calorie goal is atm. MFP tells me 1,200 so okay I'll go with that but my question was more about the contents of what I was eating. It's easy to snap when someone says, "go see a therapist about your ED" because it feels dismissive and I can FOR SURE tell you that my current situation is nowhere near…
  • Whoa. Slow your roll. I do not have an ED. I'm actually waaaay better than I used to be thankyouverymuch. That's 1,100 calories BEFORE whatever I eat for lunch which will probably take me to around 1,500 more or less, and I'm not planning on doing cardio today because I have an 8 hour shift later. So before you start…
  • Sorry I guess I should have provided more information. I'm 5'7", 153 pounds. I don't necessarily believe I will be able to lose 23 pounds by the end of the year, it was just a catchy name and a lofty goal. Just throwing that out there. I try to exercise at least three times a week, I do some yoga or stretching daily. I…