shorty3n7 Member


  • I love salsa we make a big batch of it almost every weekend and eat it with just about everything! So glad you gave me this idea i never thought to put it with my salad but it makes perfect sense! Youre awesome thank you! :)
  • Do you know how long this dressing will last in the fridge? About a week?
  • You guys are awesome!! I am going to have to give all of these a try! :) Thank you so much for your awesome ideas! No more boring salads for me! Yay!! :D
  • I absolutely love kimchi. Had a childhood friend whos mom used to make us giants jars of it and man we went through those things faster than anything else in our fridge. I crave kimchi daily. I might have to run to our local asian market and pick me up some. Mmmm
  • If you go to your recipes and click on the one you wanna fix and at the top right corner there is a pencil to edit once you click on it you can either add ingredients or delete them And to delete a recipe you go to your recipes and theres the pencil again you click it and click on the recipe you want to delete and then…
  • Being a stay at home mom when i have a little bit of down time i find myself wandering into the kitchen and sometimes ill be good and grab fruit or veggies to eat but most of the time i just wanna grab a bag of chips and chow down. Also most of my days start with the babies first so i dont eat until well past 11 and i know…