My fiancé knows yeah . He does help me and he is supportive and he does try but he isn't perfect and neither am I we both slip up. I don't think people are attacking me :0 I've been to many doctors. And I am done with it . I've never been to a doctor who helped more than I've helped my self. I have told this to people…
I don't mind if people comment. Two people have said there comments and they were nice and helpful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The only thing different for me is I think it helps me if I know what I'm eating and how much I'm eating . It makes me feel like I'm not binging or starving . It helps me think I'm on the correct track ! Thank you so much for the comment. And good luck to you !
Referring me to a doctor isn't help to me. I appreciate the sentiment but it is far over done. I already mentioned, I've been to the dr and done that. So that's not much help is it . Are you picking up what I'm laying down ? C:
I wasn't being rude . If you interpreted it that way then that's unfortunate ( it's fairly easy to mistake emotions online) it wasn't my intention I was being dead serious. I thought I got my point across and that's all I wanted to do .
I appreciate your input but i don't really need it. I know why i do what i do. I've seen doctors and ive never been told anything i didn't already know on my own. I have a "clear mind" If i didn't i wouldn't have made a account and i wouldn't have made this post. Do not speak to me like you know me personally. Do not speak…