mandlegrot Member


  • They are no big deal and you are still young - you're loosing weight at the very best time when your skin is supple and ready to spring back. Even so most women have stretch marks, thin and big, you can moisturise with bio oil or palmers cocoa butter which might help them but there's no certain way to get rid of them. Over…
  • I'm in, but I can only do it on days off from work. I'm a live in care worker so work 24 hour blocks and I can't get out to walk during a shift :(
  • Is the same as any other day for me. I don't know what other people do at Easter but I have a very small family in the UK and we are not religious so Easter is not a thing to us. I never get Easter eggs given to me so there's no extra choc in the house. Either way though, you have two options - stay on track and make room…
  • Hey, there's no need to do any exercise to lose weight. Of course exercise makes you lose a bit quicker and gets you fit, but it still works on the principle of calories in / calories out. If you need to take it easy, you can still lose weight :)
  • Lovely cheers guys will add you both :)