dropbearclan Member


  • I can't go on a full in strict diet I still allow myself a treat if I really want one but I don't go over my calories and I now limit myself on how much of that treat I can have, like the other day we had my fav chips in the house I used to eat a while packet now I put a small portion in one of my sons little bowls and I…
  • So sorry I haven't replied sooner I keep forgetting to check this haha, doctors went good was told I'd need to see a plastic surgeon to get it removed but its starting to go away now I will receive my ultrasound results hopefully tomorrow :), and everyone deserves a treat once in awhile so don't beat yourself up you are…
  • Mrswarrior oh that's great! And yes putting your food on a smaller plate really does work that what I do if say its pasta night haha so I don't go overboard. Yesterday was good for me I ate healthy and had a lot of calories remaining cone bed time, I just found last night that I have a cyst on my breast :( so after…