priya_t Member


  • Thank you for you advise, but for my height and body weight is that the right amount of carbs?
  • Thank you for your advise! I'm hearing a lot about the paleo lifestyle, I'm keen to give that a go. :)
  • I feel better knowing I'm not the only one now! Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. This week I'm sticking to 90g of carbs to see how that goes, I've heard paleo is good but I think I'll find it hard to stick to it. Also is that group on myfitnesspal?
  • Thank you for your advise! I think have insulin resistance, I've booked a doctors appointment to check. I've never tried high fat and low carb before, however I have done high protein and low carb but I think I only lost water weight. I'll give that a go though.