shionmfp Member


  • I'm 21 and 5'2 and I started my journey this year. My starting weight was 165lbs and I'm now down to 129lbs. My progress has been slow lately and I don't have an exact goal weight in mind. I would love to add other short people on here. Maybe we can help each other out!
  • I am 21 years old and was diagnosed with pcos when I was 18. I know you said that you already tried keto but it really did work for me. I am 5'2, 165lbs at my heaviest but am now 145lbs. I started counting calories in december and going keto (while still counting calories) in the second week of january. I still limit my…
  • I have the same problem. I already lost 10 lbs before keto and 10 more after I started. I haven't lost weight after losing 20 lbs total but I'm hoping to lose 20 more.