4/28/16 weighed in at 369.2. will update 5/28
3 weeks in and almost down 20 lbs. Start:402 lbs. Current: 382.8 lbs. 1800 calories not really sure. I'm just using trial and error.
Its been a pretty good beginning. I wish I could keep up this pace but yeah will slow down at some point. But I have been going hard with the eating and workouts. For weights, I have been doing like a 15 minute upper body and lower body workouts after my walks.I got them for HASfit videos. I'm trying to do those 4 times a…
got mine april 2 2016
Same situation 29 yrs old, diabetic type 2. Been grinding for a week and down about 8 lbs. I had a scare in hospital and it really pissed me off going through that. That is what I'm using not to repeat starting over again and again.