evapfneisel Member


  • Same problem here. I love sweets. When it's in the house I just eat it. So... I'm not buying it anymore. Sounds simple, and it is :P I usually do the groceryshopping and the first lane in the story is the candylane. I just rush by it without looking. The only thing I have in the house is 60%+ chocolat for when I really…
  • I have so many goals, but one of my minigoals is wearing a dress with a flat belly by christmas :)
  • I love peanut butter as well! It's not bad for you as long as you don't eat to much ;) I am eating natural peanut butter since a couple of months and that works out great for me. I can eat a little bit more, but it contains less calories and stuff! Maybe you can look for an healthier version?