crazyfordogs18 Member


  • I am pretty sure I have psoriatic arthritis maybe you have heard of it? Waiting on my doctors appointment in December for tests they are super booked. I'm so sorry you have Ankylosing spondylitis I have heard of that and done research on it. Can I ask what your symptoms were? I'm having terrible lower back pain right above…
  • I have an autoimmune diease psoriasis only on my scalp and pretty sure psoratic arthritis. I have changed my diet to no sugar and no gluten only on special occasions. I feel better and notice if I eat gluten or a sweets my joints hurt the next day. Exercise helps but sometimes my Joints are very stiff and painful I still…
  • Yes Amen! And sugar has been shown in tests to trigger some of the same reward responses as cocaine. That doesn't mean that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, but there is definitely something there beyond just the pleasant taste of sugar. OK, I quit. I don't have to have the last word, but I'm done going in circles.[/quote]
  • You taste buds change when you cut out sweets believe me. Before I always craved candy and chocolate and know I can eat watermelon or an apple and it tastes sweet like a dessert. I have an autoimmune diease skin and inflammation arthritis that is way worse with sugar. I have had sugar on special occasion and let me tell…
  • I know what you mean last winter I moved again away from my friends. 2 times in 2 years and ate loads of candy every single night gained more weight. I decided this fall I had to change. I don't eat any sweets anymore except on holidays in moderation. The weight may not be falling off as fast as I want. But I feel great…
  • It's not that hard I have been off sweets for 2 months. I will allow myself a special sweet on the holidays coming up and they are paleo and you use coconut sugar and honey which is better for you. Believe it or not after a month you don't crave it anymore. Sugar is very very addicting the more you eat it the more you…
  • I have just started it has almost been a month though I have only lost 5lbs which sucks. Calorie goal for the day is 1,710 I have a condition that makes it harder to lose weight. I wanted to just let everyone know what a daily day of food looks like for me. Breakfast Green tea with a teaspoon of honey 1/4 cup of ground…