Aurijus Member


  • I eat 20 bananas a day sometimes. There's aussie youtuber called "banana girl". She once ate 50 bananas.
  • Dinner? Could be pasta with some canned stuff (if you're really lazy). For example canned mushroom, tomatoes and some tomato paste. Some raw veggies on top. You could scramble some bread(we eat only Rye bread in Denmark and Lithuania) and put mushed avocado(curry,salt, peper) on top with some tomatoes. Tastes damn great.…
  • Snacks in between? I like fruit. Or nuts. Or some energy bar. Or icecream. Yeah, I love icecream (not more than once per week if you're doing active sports with a goal).
  • Lunch? Leave bulgur, rice or lentils boiling for 10-25min depending on the grain (I usually put alarm clock on and go to do whatever I have to do. I'm sometimes lazy to cook so I just leave frozen vegetables in the pan on low heat. I come back after 25min and everything's cooked without me being in the kitchen. Don't…
  • Molly, I also don't like cooking (because it takes up a lot of time) so I always go for simple and easy stuff. Will give you a few suggestions. I personally don't care about soy, gluten and such and always eat it. So here it is: Breakfast. 130g of oats (as female you could have a 70-100g), some nuts, seeds, razins, few…
  • I'm vegan for 2,5 years now and I'm really glad to see all of you guys here :) regarding food: I always like to keep it simple. I do my shipping once per week for general foods like (lentils, bulgur, beans, couscous, various rice types, various nuts, various seeds) and then twice per week I shop for veggies, fruits,…