ajesmum Member


  • I did when I first received it; now it's a hit and miss -- don't like wearing it when I'm lifting but will when doing cardio.
  • Must google that one - sorry; no quick replies -- Must be a new sport
    in Cize Comment by ajesmum September 2015
  • Treadmill sprints (HIIT) - works wonders ! Ran my 10k after doing these; best time ever!
  • Storage room conversion - favorite room in the house now! "Me time"! Simple equipment is all you need with a little bit of research. :)
  • I'm right behind ya at 0430! Love to get my workout finished before the family wakens. 6-days a week #homegym
  • Bodybuilding 360 at Bodybuilding.com - pick your ideal physique and receive a choice of free programs.
  • I follow bodybuilding.com and have come to learn that "generally", beginners should start with total body workouts, intermediate can start with upper/lower splits, and advanced lifters should go with 4-6 day concentrated muscle splits. I mean, this is only a recommendation. Machines in the gym are assisted which is why…
  • $0 gym membership - invested in a home gym converting storage room ; bought the equipment we need and can now wake as early as I want ; *note: free weights less expensive than a workout system, heavy bag, dumb bells, jump rope, BOB, kettle ball, dip station, chin up bar, HIIT iPhone app for cardio! Finished!
  • 42 years old - 2 children in grade school - career woman ; workout 6-days(split) a week (bodybuilding); up at 0500 finished by 0600 to make breakfast for the kids. I sacrifice 1-hour of sleep for me time -- didn't take long to adjust and now it clock work. Feels great to get "workouts" in before anyone has waken. 5'5"…
  • No cardio equipment. I have a home gym and I workout (shredding) a 6-day split followed with HIIT using 12-minute athlete Iphone app or Bodyrock TV HIIT on youtube(it's free)! I have moderate osteoarthritis in both knees + large bakers cysts in both and get HA knee injections every 8-months. HIIT is more twice as effective…