adamchalmers Member


  • The natural remedies are fine. Just make sure you go to a naturopathic doctor whose an expert at prescribing natural remedies. The FDA has approved drugs that have killed thousands of people because they're in bed with Big Pharma (who falsify the testing). The drug Vioxx comes to mind. I think it killed over 60,000 people…
  • Go look it up yourself! I'm done with you and the other "know it all" who think MDs are gods and their drugs and surgery are the only way to heal the body. My advice is safe and sound and there's plenty of evidence out there in books and online medical/science-based nutritional journals. I'm not going to do the leg work…
  • If anyone is using Armour and having allergic reactions to it, they should check out WP Thyroid or Nature-Throid. No fillers and gluten free :smiley: not made from any animals. Here's a comparison: <rant>The "alternative" medical info on thyroid…
  • First things first. Go to a holistic, naturopathic, or a doctor who practices integrated medicine. The vast majority of medical doctors will just look at your TSH and T3 levels and say you're fine if they're levels are normal (or close to normal). Then they'll prescribe Synthroid (Levothyroxine) and send you on your merry…