khwicklund Member


  • Started the keto diet this week too, on the forth day and going good so far. I'm getting recipes from free books on Amazon (if your a prime member) It has some really good recipes and helps you getting some variety in your diet.
  • This is so true, I've been faithfully doing my MFP for 12 weeks now and yesterday it seem like the first time my co-workers finally noticed the 34 pounds I've lost. I've felt it after 4 weeks and felt strong (will power) enough to know I wouldn't slip. It's a lot easier to resist all the junk food that is brought into work.
  • I weigh everyday, it helps keep me grounded.
  • It's nice to see so many bookworms, still moving around. I read almost everyday, as I write this I can't think of a day I don't read. It helps me relax after a long day of work.
  • Added Sarah, it always helps to have friends in the same situation
  • Did a 5 mile walk this morning, wish all my mornings could start this way but work gets in the way Monday - Friday. After working all day I only get in 2-3 miles depending on how much walking I did at work. But what was so exciting this morning was, I did 4 miles under 60 minutes. When I started walking a few months ago, I…
  • Good Morning Ladies, I'm 54 and had about 120 pounds to lose when I started back again. I got on the scale today and have lost my first 20 pounds. It would be nice to join a group where there are others on the same road as me. It's almost 7:00am here in Virginia and the sun has just come up. Time for me to hit a walking…