sunnyg1861 Member


  • I am in. This cold is kicking my butt, but I will get there. I have been out walking the dog at least...but my energy fails after that...
  • Oh my gosh! You look wonderful!! I know having validation from someone else is important but you have to feel so much better yourself! You were beautiful before but still amazing. I hope you feel as wonderful as you look! Sometime our self image is still leaves us in the past but you have definitely come a long way!! WAY…
  • Hi, please feel free to add me, I really do not have my family to count on or friends close to help me either. I would be happy to work with you. I have a lot to lose!! It all feels daunting at times.
  • I used to be active, but, I have had more surgeries than I can count from cervical vertabre fusion to surgeries on my arms, a rod in my femor, foot surgery and the list goes on. I have motility disorders and sleeping disorders and arthritis and fibro. and most days it would be easier to stay in bed, when I just had another…