What is PCOS? Either this app or my phone isn't letting my dairy keep past a few days then delete. Like today I ate well, nothing for breakfast 3 cups of coffee, sugar free creamer, no lunch, early dinner grilled lean sirloin patty on light bread, teaspoon of vegetable garden cream cheese, five slices of jalapenos.…
No no no what?
I take 325 mg iron daily folic acid, B12, vitamin c and get my blood checked twice a year. I've been on this regiment for 3 years now and it's helping keep me regular :) He doesn't seem to be convinced that it's linked to my Metabolism, but rather my cysts on my ovaries and fibroid tumors in my uterus. Alone with my…
I just don't eat a lot of meat. I eat lots of vegetables. No I don't get enough protein. I'm anemic, although I have been anemic most of my life. My thyroid is slightly hyper, everything runs low on me, blood pressure, blood sugar, iron. Facing a hysterectomy, gallbladder issues.
Im 5'5" 48 yrs old. Muscular. I measure according to servings. No I don't weight but will be starting this week. No sugar. White or other processed. That was a personal choice. I do eat fruits and vegetables, fresh and frozen nothing canned. Just recently cut back on breads because they convert into sugar.
This is great! Ok so the scale, weighing my portions until I figure out what works for my body.
I'm not saying that I'm in starvation mode. I asked if it's real. I'm having difficulties losing weight. I weigh 183 and have lots of muscle mass med bone structure height 5"5" going through menopause (48) facing hysterectomy and gallbladder problems...
Yes, I'm llistening to my nutritionist first, just wanted more input. He suggested to divide up my caloric intake into six meals a day. I'm having difficulties doing this. I'm not use to eating more often anymore.
Okay so i need to get a food scale. I definitely will. Thank you.
Maybe my information is messed up I'm not 130 overweight. Thank God. Im 40 still NOT great.
Wasn't aware of the term starvation mode I spoke with a Nutritionalist, he said I was killing my moteblisem. Don't weight my food, but rather measure it. Just joined this site Tuesday so I'm expecting more awareness of dietary habits through my journal :) definitely benefited from your insight. Thank you.
I measure my food, no not weighing it, but cups, spoons, etc. I've just started this app Tuesday so learning through it too, guess that's why my information is private. ..yes, definitely need to exercise more and be consistent.
Not weighing it, but measuring. 1 cup etc. Mostly no meat, no canned foods.