I gain on vacation no matter what lol. A week in maui put me up 6lbs, despite eating salads, fresh fruit, protein shakes and boatloads of water, plus running 18 miles. So make the best food choices possible, don't stress about it, and enjoy your vacation!
I agree with this. I'm so sorry about your aunt.
I've done intermittent fasting and fasted cardio off and on throughout my fitness journey. Do it for a while, and then change it up! Make sure you're reading and researching plenty, and most important, pay attention to your body's responses.
You really don't see a difference? I see a major difference, and for you there's nothing to be discouraged about. Pat yourself on the back, keep running, and get ready to buy some smaller clothes!
I don't eat meat, not even chicken or fish. I stopped eating meat, lost 30 lbs in a month. It's been 4 years now and I'll never go back. It just made me feel so sick and heavy all the time, I don't digest it well.
Foam roll your legs, wait a day, and back at it you go. :)
Slow and steady. Make small, permanent changes. They add up. Educate yourself on nutrition. Understand that you'll have to change your routines. Understand that it will never be easy. I've lost 120 lbs. It's taken me 5 years. I do not regret the amount of time, I do not regret the work I've put in. Learn to love yourself…
Dried apricots are a phenomenal source of potassium.