kikip38 Member


  • Annnnd here come the tears. You, my child, have just become my inspiration. I am exactly your height, and exactly 64 lbs over goal weight. My story is a shade different, as I used to be a size 24/26...list over 100 lbs, and then gained back about 75 10 years later. Needless to say, I felt like the epitome of failure. Like…
  • Couldn't have said it better....
  • I just three here. Add me!
  • Of course...that's my concern, as well. Yes, I hope to figure out the issue(s), but I'm not too keen on losing weight, only to gain it back. I suppose that if I determine the culprit, I wouldn't be adding it back in, and maybe I can avoid that unfortunate event.
  • Hi there! My post wasn't at all meant to say everyone who posted with a contrary opinion was being mean. I was just surprised at the ones that were (there really are quite a few throughout mfp).
  • No. I get that people are all different. It just seems like a whole lot of disdain (is that a better choice?) for an eating plan. A lot of people haven't tried it, haven't researched, etc. I was just surprised. It's not really "wow" worthy. Haha. Maybe I will decide the program sucks. I don't know yet, because I haven't…
  • Things aren't always conveyed in an online forum as they are intended. I love lentils, I'm just not eating them for the duration of the whole30. After I determine what food or foods my body is having issue with, I'll incorporate back the ones that I can. Im trying this because I've been eating clean, and at a deficit of…
  • I'm starting tomorrow, and pretty excited. I gotta say, I'm disappointed to see so much vitriol surrounding an elimination "diet".