moabbite Member


  • I just had my first sandwich with Dave's Killer Bread. OMG DELICIOUS! I still have sandwich thins to try and la tortilla but DKB set the bar reaaaallllly high.
  • Thank you so much, everyone! I'm going to see which of these my grocery store carries and try some of them out.
  • So the food database with nutrients is filled out by users? Unless it has the green verified checkmark next to it? Or I scan a code
  • 1200 calories. I'm going off the goals that MFP has set. Seem to come up short for pretty much everything except vitamin C.
  • I think I am just having a hard time with the nutrition balance. I look at my food logged and I'm within my calories and macros are on point, but I don't meet my nutritional goals. Sometimes I think it's impossible without going over my calories. Guess I should work out more :smiley:
  • I do. It also helps me because I will avoid nibbling on unhealthy food because I don't even want to bother logging it.
  • That's the bread my Oma buys! :smile: I'm more for nutritional value over calorie amount, but logging my foods I notice bread is a big chunk of my caloric allowance each day.