ckeiling Member


  • Gale, I am having to take Enbrel for both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Can I ask why you were facing the possibility of taking Enbrel? I am wondering if this woe will help with these ailments.
  • Three months ago I was taking the following meds for diabetes: 3 shots of short acting insulin, 1 shot of long acting insulin, and two pills. (Novolog, Lantus, and Janumet) After 7 weeks of low carb eating, I have lost 14 lbs, and the only diabetes meds I am taking now is 1 pill and 1 shot (Janumet and Lantus). My doctor…
  • I am new here, but I wanted to share my biggest NSV- after only 6 weeks I have been able to reduce my diabetes medication by 75%. I was taking 4 insulin shots daily and 2 pills. Now I only have one shot and one pill. And I feel great! I am enjoying the food I eat so much more now that I am putting some effort into…
    in NSV's Comment by ckeiling October 2015